Bio-fabricated Leather

The global multibillion-dollar leather industry slaughters more than a billion animals for their skins and hides every year. One metric ton of this raw material yields only 20 percent as finished leather product and releases more than 60 percent as solid and liquid waste, containing hazardous chemicals like chromium salts, formaldehyde, arsenic, and cyanide-based dyes. Synthetic leather on the other hand, is made from synthetic, petroleum-based polymers like polyurethane (PU) and polyvinyl chloride (PVC), which take thousands of years to biodegrade and create health hazards when bioaccumulated. The global threat of climate change, environmental pollution, and the inhumane nature of commercial livestock industry motivated us towards the mission of creating leather alternatives that are not only chic but also not compromising with environment and the life on earth!

Exploiting the potential of machine learning, the properties are optimized at the level of molecular structure to meet the needs of specific application and to ensure high standards of performance. BIOLEATH, which is a humane & sustainable BIO-FABRICATED LEATHER using composite of natural, biodegradable biopolymers.